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Fear of the dentist is a very real problem — but thanks to IV sedation dentistry, it’s a problem with an easy fix.

If you’re having fear or anxiety about an upcoming oral surgery, you’re not alone: a recent study by Columbia University College of Dental Medicine estimated that 9% – 15% of Americans (30 – 40 million people!) are so afraid of the dentist that they skip getting the dental treatment they need.

When it comes to your oral health, the only thing worse than skipping the dentist is enduring fear and anxiety when you do come in for treatment.

This is where IV sedation comes in: it makes dental procedures more comfortable for patients — and for those who are afraid or nervous about going to the dentist, it can transform their entire experience.

For many patients, whether they need dental implants or another oral procedure, knowing that IV sedation is an option is a huge relief.

Sedation Dentistry: A Comfortable, Relaxed Dental Visit – Without the Fear

I specialize in IV sedation dentistry because I want to offer all of my patients—whether they’re afraid of the dentist or nervous about implant surgery—a comfortable and relaxed experience, without fear.

So, what is IV sedation dentistry?

Unlike traditional anesthesia used during long surgeries, IV sedation involves a special combination of commonly prescribed sedation medications (benzodiazepines) to help patients feel clam, relaxed, and safe during their oral surgery.

That means if you opt for IV sedation, you’ll be awake and alert during their procedure — but without feeling fear or anxiety.

You’ll be alert enough to make requests and answer questions, but your body and mind will be in a state of total relaxation. Even most triggers of fear – the sights, sounds, and smells of the dental office – won’t disturb you because you’ll be in such a heightened state of relaxation.

The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry – Why It Works for Patients

IV sedation in dentistry works extremely well because the medication is delivered directly to your bloodstream – that makes IV sedation faster and more effective than oral medications.

IV sedation can also be safer than oral conscious sedation. With oral medications, once they’re in your system, you can’t change the dosing and adjust it based on the circumstances. Nitrous oxide, which is common in dental offices, isn’t as effective either. IV sedation is the best option to lessen pain and anxiety, and have a smooth procedure.

Because of the ways in which IV sedation blocks your pain receptors, you’ll not only have an easy procedure, but you’ll have a good recovery, too. The side effects are minimal, and so is recovery time: you’ll be able to return to activities soon after your procedure.

IV Sedation for Bay Area Patients

I offer IV sedation for all of my Bay Area patients – not just those who have a low pain threshold or a fear of the dentist – because it makes dental implant procedures calm, relaxing, and an overall positive experience.

If you haven’t been to the dentist in a long time (and likely need multiple procedures) IV sedation is a great option for helping you get everything done in one, single-day visit.

If you need dental implants or other restorative procedures, we can talk about IV sedation and other calming options when you come in for your consultation.

As a specialist in IV sedation, I promise that getting your perfect smile will be a relaxing, calm, and pain-free experience.

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