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Are you living with removable dentures? Tired of having your teeth in a glass next to the bed? With modern technology, I believe no one should have to live with removable dentures.

In my practice, I routinely replace patients’ removable dentures with full mouth dental implants – a permanent fixed solution that looks and feels just like natural teeth! My patients are amazed at the results, and how their quality of life improves.

Think about it – with permanent dental implants, you can eat whatever you want without fear. This can even improve your nutrition as you’re able to eat a wider range of healthy foods. You never have to experience the psychological effects of seeing and feeling your mouth without teeth. My patients tell me this can be a difficult and disheartening part of removable dentures.

Keep reading to find out more about how full mouth dental implants can transform your life!

How Full Mouth Reconstructions Work

With a full mouth reconstruction, I don’t place an implant for every single missing tooth. Instead what I use is the “all-on-6” concept.

This means that I select 6 key teeth to place implant roots on. Then, I create a custom permanent denture for all your other teeth. The 6 rooted teeth anchor the entire denture permanently in your mouth.

Both your upper and lower arch have a full set of permanent teeth – but the good news is, you only have to have 6 implant roots placed to achieve this.

Your teeth will look, feel and function like your natural teeth! And you’ll never have to remove your teeth again.

Same Day Dental Implants

One of the best parts about getting treated in my practice is that I can do all this for you in a single day! That means you won’t have to live without teeth during the healing process. You come in for your surgery, and leave with a full set of teeth the same day.

Many other dentists do not have this advanced technology to offer patients. Since I’ve built my practice around dental implants, I have the resources and expertise to give my patients same-day, full mouth dental implants.

Imagine in a single day being done with your removable dentures forever, and instead having beautiful permanent teeth that will last a lifetime!

Check out one of my patient’s testimonials here and learn more about the process.

Best Dental Implant Technology

Another benefit of having your full mouth dental implants completed in my practice is the cutting-edge technology I use that will give you the best possible outcome and experience.

For a full-mouth reconstruction, I am extensively trained in conscious IV sedation so you can have a comfortable, relaxing experience while you’re in surgery. You’ll be fully conscious and able to talk, but you won’t remember most of the procedure and will be relaxed and pain-free. IV sedation also allows me to precisely dose your medication which will give you a better experience in your 1st 24 hours after the procedure, and help you heal faster.

I have state-of-the-art imaging equipment in my practice including 3-D cone beam technology, and digital scanning capabilities. This means I have the most accurate reading of your mouth and bone structures so we can place the implants in the best area for long term stability. I also can perform bone grafting and other supplemental procedures you may need for your full mouth dental implants.

Lastly, I work with platelet-rich fibrin enhanced healing technology which allows you to use your own blood platelets in the surgery site to supercharge your body’s healing process.

All of these resources mean you’ll get the best possible outcome for your full mouth reconstruction with dental implants.

No More Dentures

If you’re living with dentures, give my office a call today to schedule your complimentary consultation to learn more about full mouth dental implant options. Our financial experts can guide you through financing options and payment plans to make it comfortable for your lifestyle.

For an extensive procedure like this, it’s worth it to seek out the best, most experienced provider for your care. We see patients who travel from all over the greater Bay Area to see us for their dental implant surgery – from San Francisco, to Marin County, to the East Bay, the Peninsula and South Bay. We also have patients who travel from Sacramento and Monterey – and we’re happy to offer a travel-credit discount to patients who are from outside of the Bay Area.

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